I haven’t posted in a while. A couple of weeks after I activated this site, my father passed away. He had just celebrated his 62nd birthday, and was finally considering retirement from his job at the railroad he’d held for 30+ years. Losing my father without warning really set me back, and I haven’t really been the same in the past 8 months since.
Like other things, amateur radio sure took a backseat in my life as far as priorities. I’ve been back on the radio more a little lately, but just for short checkins on the nightly nets. No brief QSOs or anything lengthy. Work has been much busier, but lately I’ve been trying to find time for personal life, my family, hobbies and that sort of thing.
I have amassed a collection of UHF ham gear over the past couple of years. Let’s see…a Quantar 70cm repeater, a 70cm duplexer, and a bunch of Kenwood TK mobile and Motorola HT series 70cm radios. Need to figure out what I want to keep, and what I need to get rid of.
I’d also like to get my General and have that out of the way, so I can dabble in the works of HF.
Hopefully the next few weeks and months bring better times and better days. Still not quite the same without the old man around.